Basic SEO That You Must Know

Basic SEO That You Must Know

This basic SEO is the foundation that can be spelled out must be known by the beginner in the world of search engine optimization because it is a thing that must and applied if you want to become seo expert or make the site is on page / position one google with your target keywords .
Basic SEO That You Must Know
Basic SEO That You Must Know

You need to know many people who say seo base there are two and also some say that seo base there are three. Which is correct? I think everything is right, the wrong one is a thief 😀 for those who say seo basis there are three means he just adds Keyword Research into his seo base and that is very true because seo without keyword research feels like searching fake addresses.

1. On Page SEO

Hearing the word above is certainly not foreign to the experts seo, but will be very foreign to the beginners in the world seo. On Page SEO is a technique of optimizing website pages by applying some basic targeted keywords to it. The advantage of on page seo this is your site will be more judged relevant by google, also if the page is just getting a little backlinks will certainly be easy ranking # 1 Google.

The following basic should be applied in on page seo:

1. Title Tag
2. Meta Description
3. URL
4. Heading (h1, h2, h3, h4)
5. Image & Image ALt Tag
6. Link to Site Authority

2. Off Page SEO

Off Page Search Engine Optimization is a way of optimizing a page from outside the site (using a backlink), "What is Backlink?"

Backlinks are links from pages of our site that are on the pages of other people's sites that have a high PR (Page Rank).

Search Engines like Google really like a quality Backlink which means Backlink from authority sites or sites trusted by Google and have a high PR like Wikipedia, Twitter, WordPress, and others.

Therefore a site will be lifted its position by google if it has a backlink from the authority site, and even can make our site rank high with the targeted keywords if getting backlinks from sites that berPR high.